2024, Number 10
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (10)
Success administration of favipiravir in a comorbid patient with pneumonia due to COVID-19
Herrera GJC, Arellano MEI, Juárez GLI, Robles TG
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 708-711
PDF size: 329.69 Kb.
Background: Severe pneumonia associated to SARS-CoV-2 infection has been,
till now, the most prevalent affection related to morbidity and mortality. New antiviral
treatments have been used under different emergency protocols in order to reduce the
spread of the virus and decrease its lethality. Since 2013 favipiravir is an antiviral used
in the treatment of resistant influenza. Recently multiple studies in Japan, Russia and
China have demonstrated its efficacy under the inhibitory mechanism of the viral RNA
polymerase, effectively decreasing the multiplication of the virus.
Clinic case: A 71-year-old female patient with a history of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, use of low-dose supplemental oxygen and severe COVID-19
pneumonia in 2020. She presented a new episode of COVID-19 infection associated
with pneumonia in 2023 corroborated by a positive COVID-19 test and X-ray chest
with right lobar opacity. Treatment with favipiravir was started at the established doses.
After 5 days of treatment with favipiravir, the following occurred: 100% decrease in
clinical symptoms associated with fever, general malaise, dyspnea on exertion, and
reduced hypoxemia, as well as improvement of laboratory parameters. Good tolerance
to the drug was also observed, without any serious adverse effect and relieve of the
condition 7 days after the start of treatment.
Conclusions: Favipiravir, as an anti-COVID-19 antiviral, has a therapeutic role in
early infection with relieve of clinical symptoms 7 days after disease onset.
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