2024, Number 10
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (10)
Symptoms of long COVID and family functioning in Mexican patients
González RÁD, Arroyo SCE, Martínez MAG, Puerta OAE, Estévez DG, Rodríguez OAR
Language: Spanish
References: 53
Page: 647-656
PDF size: 400.96 Kb.
Objective: To recognize symptoms, sociodemographic characteristics and perception
of family functioning in patients with long COVID in a series of Mexican patients.
Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in which two surveys were
conducted in patients with long COVID. The first evaluated the symptoms and sociodemographic
characteristics and the second was the perception of family functioning test
to evaluate the family’s adaptive responses to the crisis posed by the disease.
Results: Twenty-two children (12.47 ± 4.44 years of age) and 479 adults (52.5 ± 7.16
years of age) were included. The most frequent symptom was fatigue/asthenia in about
70% of patients in both groups. Chest tightness, dyspnea, back pain, and tingling in the
legs and arms were more common in children and adolescents; while general malaise,
headache and memory disorders were more frequent in adults. Both symptoms and
family functioning had a marked psychosomatic component.
Conclusions: Symptoms related to mental health were more frequent in adults than
in children and adolescents with long COVID. These are nourished by a psychosomatic
environment that can facilitate adaptation, but could also condition the perpetuity of
these symptoms, which is why it is desirable to consider the possibility of incorporating
these families into psychotherapy processes.
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