2022, Number 3
Limiting factors of academic performance in Comprehensive General Stomatology specialty residents
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 533-540
PDF size: 345.92 Kb.
Background: The academic results have great relevance in the postgraduate stage of the health professional, as they are determinant in their work location and excellence in professional performance. Therefore, it is useful to study the factors that could limit academic performance in this context.Objective: to characterize the limiting factors of the Comprehensive General Stomatology residents academic performance during the promotion test.
Methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, with the participation of residents (n=29) of the Comprehensive General Stomatology specialty, during the promotion examination in June (for the second year) and July (for the first year) of 2020, in the Campechuela municipality, Granma province. Questionnaire and interview were applied to residents and professors of the examining board, respectively. Intrinsic and extrinsic elements, socioeconomic status, and stress manifestations were included as study variables.
Results: 82.76% identified the lack of systematicity in the study as the element responsible for the negative results; and 100 % reported having felt anxiety, tiredness or exhaustion; in this regard, the court found anxiety in 100 % of the residents, and tiredness or exhaustion in 79.31 %.
Conclusion: issues such as low economic level, and living with sick people were the most frequent among those perceived as limiting factors of academic performance; however, other subjective elements that could be improved through individual effort were shown to an even greater extent.
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