2022, Number 3
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Medisur 2022; 20 (3)
Neurodevelopment in very low birth weight newborns born in Matanzas during 2016-2018
Robaina CGR, Riesgo RSC, Hernández MD
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 455-468
PDF size: 431.47 Kb.
The comparison of neurodevelopmental results in very low birth weight newborns according to birth year cohorts allows evaluating the impact of the different interventions carried out to prevent and treat the most frequent conditions in this group of patients during the perinatal period and neonatal, as well as the different conditions and diseases that occur in these stages of development.
to evaluate neurodevelopment at two years of corrected age in a cohort of very low birth weight newborns.
prospective observational study, which included preterm newborns with birth weight <1500 g discharged alive from the Provincial Gynecobstetric Teaching Hospital of Matanzas, in the period 2016-2018, and who had completed their follow-up in a neurodevelopment consultation at two years old corrected age (N=52). The data contained in the medical records were stored in a database (SPSS v. 22.0), from which the statistical processing was performed. Any value p<0.05 was considered significant.
at two years old of corrected age, 90% of the patients were normal; major and minor alterations were found, respectively, in 2 and 8% of cases. Clinical neonatal seizures were significantly associated with the occurrence of neurodevelopmental abnormalities.
The incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders at two years old of corrected age in very low birth weight newborns in Matanzas was lower in the period studied, in relation to previous years, although this finding was not statistically significant.
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