2024, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2024; 67 (6)
Surgical Approach in a Patient with Spidermoid Carcinoma of Basaloid Cells in the Nasal Cavity with Brain Invasion. Case Report
Prado HEN, Ferrufino MBR, Ferrufino MMA, Vázquez NJR, Vargas DCI
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 28-37
PDF size: 340.26 Kb.
Introduction: One of the greatest challenges in oncological
surgery is to individualize the management of each patient.
Remembering that each patient will have individual
characteristics, pathologies and unique history, which makes
the therapeutic approach more complex.
Case presentation: This is a 49-year-old female patient with
3-month onset of symptoms, with increased volume in the
right periorbital region, intense headache in the occipital and
frontal regions, loss of visual acuity in the right eye. Imaging
studies are performed, finding an occupying lesion in the
ethmoid cells, frontal and sphenoid sinuses, so a biopsy of
the lesion is performed with a pathology report of squamous
cell carcinoma of basaloid cells, and the decision is made to
perform a combined surgical treatment, performing a frontal
approach and endoscopic transnasal approach.
Conclusions: In the literature review, a small number of cases
of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of basaloid cells
in the nasal cavity with infiltration to the brain have been
reported, so the treatment is not yet standardized, however
multidisciplinary treatment is the basis for success and patient
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