2024, Number 6
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2024; 67 (6)
Cerebral Aneurysm Clipping in a Patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease Prior to Kidney Transplant. A Case Report
Prado HEN, Ferrufino MBR, Ferrufino MMA, Vázquez NJR, Vargas DCI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 17-27
PDF size: 247.46 Kb.
The study of aneurysms is of special interest in the field of
medicine. Diagnosis can be very challenging and is based on
clinical presentation and various imaging studies, such as magnetic
resonance angiography, which can identify aneurysms as
small as 3 mm. Aneurysms develop early when intravascular
pressure exceeds the resistance capacity of the vascular wall.
The promoting and triggering factors that alter the shape and
function of the vascular wall are diverse. Treatment of arterial
aneurysms has been limited to surgical intervention. Intervention
options include endovascular embolization and surgical
clipping, the latter as presented in this case.
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