2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Gender assessment of sleep disorders in an adult urban population of Mexico City
Amezcua-Guerra LM, Pazarán-Romero G, Gutiérrez-Esparza GO, Fonseca-Camarillo G, Martínez-García M, Groves-Miralrío LE, Brianza-Padilla M
Language: English
References: 26
Page: 824-830
PDF size: 344.17 Kb.
Objective. To investigate gender-specific patterns of sleep
problems among adults residing in urban areas of Mexico
Materials and methods. Utilizing cross-sectional
analysis, data from the Tlalpan 2020 Cohort, comprising 2
859 healthy individuals, were examined. Clinical, anthropometric,
sociodemographic, and socioeconomic factors were
assessed, and sleep problems were evaluated using the Spanish
version of the MOS-Sleep Scale.
Results. Elevated rates
of sleep problems were found among women, with factors
such as maternity (odds ratio [OR] 1.3; 95% confidence
intervals [95%CI] 1.0,1.5), passive smoking (1.4; 1.1,1.8), and
educational level (1.7; 1.4,2.0) significantly increasing the
likelihood of sleep problems. For men, risk factors included
smoking (1.4; 1.1,1.8), and lack of access to medical attention
(1.3; 1.1,1.4).
Conclusion. This study exhibited significant
gender disparities in sleep patterns, highlighting the impact
of socioeconomic factors on women’s sleep. These findings
emphasize the importance of addressing gender-specific influences
in both sleep research and healthcare interventions.
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