2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Weight gain during pregnancy and the probability of macrosomia in women with gestational diabetes
Parra-Cabrera MS, Delgado-Ramírez JZ, Ángeles-Llerenas AR, Hurtado-Salgado E, Méndez Gómez-Humarán I
Language: English
References: 44
Page: 807-815
PDF size: 358.67 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the association between gestational
weight gain in women with gestational diabetes and an increased
risk of macrosomia.
Materials and methods. Cohort
study with 139 pregnant women screened by a single-step
oral glucose tolerance curve between 24-28 weeks of gestation
were confirmed with gestational diabetes and sent to a hospital.
Pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) was calculated from
pre-pregnancy weight. Weight was measured at each prenatal
consultation. The reference category was women with normal
prenatal BMI who gained appropriate weight during pregnancy.
At each visit, medical nutrition therapy (MNT) consisted of
nutritional counseling, physical activity plan, and insulin therapy.
Compliance with MNT was measured by capillary glucose
measurements taken by each participant at home.
74.8% were primiparous, and 28.8% had normal pre-pregnancy
BMI. The no linear logistic regression model showed women
with normal pre-pregnancy BMI had twice (OR= 2.08, 95%CI:
1.07,4.05) the possibility of macrosomia, compared to mothers
with overweight or obesity, adjusting for Capurro index, number
of children in the family, and percent of compliance MNT.
Macrosomia was the most prevalent childhood complication
(12.3%). Conclusion. Women with normal pre-pregnancy
BMI who gained more weight during pregnancy were at higher
risk of having macrosomic infants.
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