2024, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (6)
Associations between diabesity and allcause mortality: a prospective analysis of the Chilean National Health Survey 2009-2010
Lanuza F, Díaz-Toro F, Troncoso-Pantoja C, Leiva AM, Nazar G, Concha-Cisternas Y, Martorell M, Labraña AM, Parra-Soto S, Ramírez-Alarcón K, Villagrán M, Lasserre-Laso N, Ochoa-Rosales C, Mardones L, Carrasco-Marín F, Martínez-Maturana N, Celis-Morales C, Petermann-Rocha F
Language: English
References: 46
Page: 798-806.
PDF size: 413.22 Kb.
Objective. To investigate whether patients with diabesity
(the combination of both conditions) have a higher mortality
risk than isolated obesity or type 2 diabetes (T2D), particularly
when waist-circumference (WC) is used as a criterion for
Materials and methods. This longitudinal study
included 4 514 Chilean participants from the Chilean National
Health Survey 2009 and 2010. Participants were categorized
into four groups based on WC and diagnosis of diabetes: a)
normal, b) abdominal obesity-only, c) T2D-only, and d) diabesity.
Cox proportional hazard models were performed to
investigate the associations between diabesity and all-cause
mortality. Analyses were also replicated using body mass index
(BMI) categories.
Results. After a median follow-up of 10.9
years, 445 (9.9%) participants died. In the fully-adjusted model,
compared with participants with normal-conditions, those
with diabesity had 1.37 (95%CI: 1.01,1.85) times higher allcause
mortality risk.
Conclusions. Individuals with diabesity
had a higher mortality risk compared to their counterparts.
The WC instead of BMI can be a more sensitive predictor
of mortality risk in the Chilean population.
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