2024, Number 5
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (5)
The challenge of closing gaps and eliminating attention deserts
Ochoa-Torres MP, López-Ridaura R
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 774-782
PDF size: 1117.30 Kb.
The analysis of health gaps, considering structural heterogeneity,
guides us to focus on the subtle, but complex local
variations that influence the use and exploitation of resources
and the understanding of social dynamics that create them.
Currently, one of the most notable gaps is the distribution of
health infrastructure, as well as the organization of individual
and collective medical care. The realistic indicators resulting
from the analysis of care deserts are a robust element to
advance objectives such as the planning of physical infrastructure,
the strategic assignment of mobile medical units, the
definition of coverage zones, the territorial deployment of
public health actions and the development of regions. Making
this tool part of the management’s work, down to the district
level, is key to effectively addressing disparities in medical care
and its connection to collective health risks.
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