2022, Number 03
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MediSan 2022; 26 (03)
Effectiveness of the early systemic antibiotic therapy in patients with postraumatic endophthalmitis
Domínguez MDY, Ruiz MM, Maso SE, Duperet CD
Language: Spanish
References: 19
PDF size: 692.44 Kb.
Postraumatic endophthalmitis is defined as a marked inflammation of the fluids and tissues of the intraocular cavities, caused by the invasion and replication of microorganisms after an ocular traumatism on open globe, that can cause loss of the vision.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the early systemic antibiotic therapy in patients with postraumatic endophthalmitis.
A quasi-experiment study of 72 patients with ocular traumatism on open globe was carried out, they were admitted in the Ophthalmologic Center of Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso Teaching General Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2017 to May, 2019. A simple random sampling was carried out; patients were distributed in 2 groups: one of control with 28 members, that received the habitual pharmacological treatment and a study group with 44 members who received systemic antibiotic therapy besides the above-mentioned.
Male patients prevailed, aged between 45 and 54 years (29.5 %); 72.7 % didn't show personal history of interest and the ocular trauma happened with more frequency in a rural atmosphere (77.8 %). The area 1 was the most affected (65.3 %); in 39.3 % of the patients the clínical course of trauma was less than 6 hours, but in the group that didn't receive the early systemic therapy and presented endophthalmitis (10,7 %) this time was higher, the repair happened belatedly.
The early systemic antibiotic therapy was effective in most of the patients that received this treatment against the postraumatic endophthalmitis.
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