2024, Number 2
Hearing loss in people over 60 years and barriers to access to hearing rehabilitation in Colombia
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 95-99
PDF size: 134.57 Kb.
Introduction: There is low detection and rehabilitation of hearing impairment in older adults. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of hearing loss in adults over 60 years of age in Colombia and explore the presence of auditory rehabilitation and the barriers to accessing it. Methods: Retrospective analytical study, through a secondary analysis of the SABE survey database in Colombia in 2015. The survey uses a nationally representative sample, with a total of 23.694 older adults. Results: A prevalence of any degree of hearing loss is estimated in 31.73% of Colombian older adults, of which 14.35% we inferred would have an indication for auditory rehabilitation, with only 14.35% presenting auditory rehabilitation through earphones. The main reason for not using hearing aids is the lack of a medical prescription. Conclusions: The prevalence of hearing loss in older Colombian adults is estimated at 31.73% and hearing rehabilitation-only at 14.35%, data consistent with those reported worldwide. The self-reported main limitation for the use of hearing aids was the lack of a medical prescription in 51.15%, which could be related to difficulties in accessing specialized hearing health care, other barriers are related to different administrative difficulties and related to the patient itself.REFERENCES
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