2024, Number S1
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Rev Latin Infect Pediatr 2024; 37 (S1)
Consensus of the Mexican Association of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (AMIP): on the impact of vaccination on the reduction of the burden of pneumococcal disease in Mexico, 2024
González SN, Otero MFJ, Arias CCR, Becerra AAG, Chacón-Cruz E, García CLE, Jiménez JRN, Hernández MR, Hernández PM, Martínez LC, Matías JNA, Ortiz CB, Rodríguez BE, Saltigeral SP, Ortiz-Ibarra FJ
Language: Spanish
References: 67
Page: s29-49
PDF size: 514.27 Kb.
Introduction: pneumococcal disease remains a major public health concern worldwide, with invasive disease incidence documented primarily in children under two years and adults over 65. Vaccination has proven to be the most effective strategy for mitigating its impact.
Material and methods: utilizing an academic consensus model, we compiled and critically reviewed the available scientific literature on current and controversial topics related to pneumococcal disease. We adhered to the guidelines outlined in the Guidelines for the Development of Consensus and the European AGREE initiative, focusing on critical reading and evaluation criteria. The recommendations are presented using the GRADE scale. The consensus involved multidisciplinary teams comprising pediatricians and pediatric infectious disease specialists affiliated with AMIP. The studies and manuscripts reviewed were selected based on keywords such as "Streptococcus pneumonia", "vaccine", "epidemiology", "vaccine safety and efficacy", and "vaccine compliance", utilizing databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, EMBASE, Cochrane, and virtual libraries from Oxford, Harvard, and Tecnológico de Monterrey. Priority was given to articles published between January 2019 and August 2024, with older references included for context or when they represented the most robust information available. The consensus process involved one in-person meeting, two virtual sessions, and external review by two independent experts.
Results: ten relevant and/or controversial topics were identified and critically analyzed based on the evidence found in the included literature. The results of the critical review of the selected articles were presented with their corresponding GRADE recommendation level.
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