2024, Number 5
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (5)
Probiotic supplementation with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium for necrotizing enterocolitis prevention in very low birth weight preterm infants
Acosta HD, Díaz MS, Marín RM, Macías VHLG, Rendón MME, Silva RH
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 427-435
PDF size: 261.69 Kb.
Background: The high morbidity of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in very low
birth weight infants (<1500 grams) (VLBW) requires the search for prevention strategies
that are more effective than treatment. Current evidence supports the use of probiotics
as protective factors.
Objectives: To determine if probiotic supplementation in VLBW infants represents a
preventive factor for the development of NEC.
Methods: Retrospective cohort study conducted in 145 VLBW infants, where the
presence of NEC was evaluated in populations supplemented with
L. reuteri, B. lactis or
not supplemented. The comparison among groups was performed with the chi-square
test for maximum likelihood-ratio.
Results: Of 66 supplemented patients, 86.4% did not present NEC (RR 0.23 [95% Ci:
0.12-0.43]; p‹0.0001). In those not supplemented, the incidence of NEC was 59.5%.
An NNT of 1.7 to 3.1 was obtained.
Conclusions: Despite the heterogeneity in clinical studies of probiotic supplementation,
the evidence is strongly in favor of probiotic treatment for the prevention of NEC.
This study found that supplementation from the first days of life at doses of 600 million
CFUs/ day was more effective in preventing the presentation of NEC than higher doses.
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