2024, Number 52
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (52)
Past and present in the training of the surgeon… a real change?
López AG, Briones AA
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 105-111
PDF size: 398.66 Kb.
At the end of the 19th century, first in Europe and later in
America, the mentoring training of surgical residents began,
giving rise to different schools and under the method
of seeing, helping and doing, laying the foundations of
current university courses. In Mexico, during the last century,
quality control methods were established through the
certification of academic programs and with the certification
and recertification, by the Mexican Council of General
Surgery, of the trained specialists.
Despite the efforts of the different institutions, the essential
functions of the Single Program of Medical Specialties
(PUEM): care, teaching and research, in practice,
are not fully fulfilled. The epidemiological panorama in
the different regions of the country, the varied infrastructure
of the host hospitals, the low level of knowledge or
pedagogical interest of many course holders and assistants,
and incipient research activity do not allow for the
expected results.
Despite all these differences and obstacles, surgery
residents continue to train on a daily basis under the instructions
of their teachers, seeing how the most experienced
resident does, helping with basic procedures
first, and more complex ones later, and finally, doing the
procedures until developing the confidence and experience
necessary to perform them independently.
The cornerstone of their training continues to be the old
method of seeing, helping, doing, which despite its chiaroscuros
has remained in force, proving to be efficient and
meeting the training expectations of the new specialists.
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