2024, Number 52
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (52)
Factors associated with scientific publication in Colombian medical students
Franco-Ramírez Juan-Darío, Álvarez-Escobar S, Taborda-Cardona T, Prado-Echeverry JA, Alzate-Piedrahita JA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 19-29
PDF size: 497.22 Kb.
Introduction: In Latin America, the number of students
actively participating in projects outside their curriculum
is significantly low, and many fewer students are found in
groups or seedbeds dedicated to research.
Objective: To identify the dynamics in the context of research
development and scientific publication in a population
of undergraduate medical students in Colombia.
Methods: Cross-sectional study using a self-applied survey
on research interests and the number of publications
to different medical students from all over the country.
Results: 235 surveys were carried out, 60.9% corresponded
to women; the mean age was 21,1 years; the
mean number of semesters completed was 6,6 semesters
and the mean number of publications was 0,5 publications
per student surveyed. Students from 31 universities
throughout Colombia were evaluated, 58,3% being
public. Of those surveyed, 28,9% had some type of scientific
publication. An association was found between
publication and greater age (p=0,003), greater academic
semester (p‹0,001), belonging to a scientific society of
medical students (p=0,004), having a manuscript in process
of publication (p‹0,001), male sex (p‹0,010) and
presenting research work in a congress (p‹0,001). The
absence of teaching advice due to the high academic
load stands out among the limitations.
Conclusion: The number of students involved in research
processes is low, a change of approach is needed in
undergraduate medicine to stimulate student participation
in research and scientific development.
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