2024, Number 52
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (52)
Correlation between a formative WebOSCE and academic performance in medical students
Barboza SSA, García RRC, Trejo MJA, Martínez-González, Adrián
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 9-18
PDF size: 856.65 Kb.
Introduction: The objective structured clinical examination
(OSCE) is the gold standard for the assessment of
clinical competence. With the SARS-CoV-2 virus-related
pandemic, there was a rising need of an instrument for the
assessment of this competence in distance education.
Objective: We aimed to correlate the clinical competence
assessed with a formative WebOSCE, and the academic
performance of students who finish the second year of
their medical degree.
Method: An observational, correlational study was carried
out. The test was applied to the students that completed
the second year of the medical degree. The sampling
was by census, and an 8-station WebOSCE was developed
with a global evaluation scale that contemplates
four levels of performance. Psychometric analyzes were
performed and the level of clinical competence of the
WebOSCE was correlated with academic performance
using Spearman’s rho. Feedback was done using an automated
post-test program.
Results: 207 students met the study inclusion criteria for
analysis. The average WebOSCE score was 74.5, with the
following results by attribute: interrogation (70.7), physical
examination (74.4), interpretation of lab and imagenology
studies (54.2), diagnosis (67.9), treatment (83.0), communication
and professionalism (84.5), teamwork (81.2),
and clinical integration (67.6). Cronbach’s alpha obtained
was 0.89. Spearman’s rho for the correlation of academic
performance and the WebOSCE was 0.25 (p‹0.001).
Conclusion: The WebOSCE is an instrument with sufficient
validity evidence to assess clinical competence
dimensions at distance and has a positive correlation
with the academic performance of students.
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