2024, Number 3
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2024; 43 (3)
Origen y evolución de las rutas metabólicas
Córdova-Villalba G, Becerra A
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 141-150
PDF size: 989.97 Kb.
The study of the early evolution of life raises fundamental questions in biology, addressing issues such as the origin of life and the evolution of essential cellular and metabolic processes. Thanks to advanced sequencing and bioinformatics techniques, comparative genomics can be carried out, allowing hypotheses related to these crucial phases for the development of life to be inferred and tested. In this context, this work highlights the importance of fundamental concepts about the origin, assembly, and evolution of meta-bolic pathways proposed by scientists over time. Among these, the "Granik hypothesis," Horowitz's proposal, and the concept of "patchwork" stand out. Furthermore, the intriguing notion of the "semi-enzymatic origin" of meta-bolic pathways, which suggests that simple metabolic processes gave rise to components essential for life, is explored. The text also examines the transi-tion from heterotrophic organisms to more complex life forms, proposing genome expansion as a critical mechanism for this purpose. This process is achieved through gene duplication and DNA sequence divergence, which provides knowledgeable insight into the evolution of biological complexity.
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