2022, Number 3
Nutricional assessment in handicapped elderlies
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 372-380
PDF size: 373.85 Kb.
Introduction: Malnutrition is a state produced by lack of ingestion or assimilation of nutrients, it causes corporal disturbance, decreasing of the fat free mass and cellular body mass. It originates alterations of the immunitary system, aggravating of chronic diseases, higher hospital stays, readmissions and a worse life quality.Objective: To characterize the nutritional status of handicapped elderlies admitted to Central Military Hospital ¨Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay Barrés¨.
Methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out from January to July, 2021. 125 handicapped elderly adults were studied. There was prevalence malnutrition, according to the variables: age, sex; daily basic and instrumented activities, loss of weight; body mass index and bedsores. Measures of summaries, absolute and relative frequencies were used.
Results: The most representative age group was 70 to 79 years old, the 38.4 %, CI: 30.4- to 46.4. Loss of weight was confirmed, in the last year 52 %, CI: 44.0 to 60.8. The average weight loss was 4.57 kg. Malnutrition was in the order of 56 %, CI: 48.0 to 64.8, while malnutrition risk was 40.8 %, CI: 32.0 to 48.8.
Conclusions: Malnutrition prevalence, en handicapped elderlies admitted to the Internal Medicine ward is high and it is conducted among the expected values.
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