2022, Number 3
Regeneration in periodontal recessions. Value of platelet-rich fibrin in mucogingival therapy
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 691-714
PDF size: 679.96 Kb.
Introduction: the reparative mechanisms achieved with root coverage procedures present a great complexity due to the advanced growth of the gingival epithelial and connective tissue during healing, for which new plastic techniques are currently promoted, allowing us not only the isolation of these, but the contribution of biological elements that can contribute to a regeneration of several of the tissues lost by dystrophic disease.Objective: to describe the regeneration processes of the tissues lost by the dystrophic disease, during the healing of the different periodontal plastic techniques.
Methods: a bibliographic review of the available literature was carried out through the automated search in SciELO, Pubmed, Scopus and Elsevier databases from 2012 to 2021. A number of 98 articles was evaluated, and the study was limited to the 35 that focused comprehensively on the subject.
Conclusions: the healing process of soft tissue grafts is achieved at the expense of the migration of the gingival epithelium over the coronary portion of the periodontal recession and a fibrous insertion in the apical region of the graft. It is possible to maintain the epithelium in a coronal position to the periodontal recession and a fibrous connection in the greatest extension of the exposed root with guided tissue regeneration. The platelet-rich fibrin membrane acts as a barrier that modulates the regeneration of the site and provides growth factors and other cellular elements that induce the regenerative process.
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