2022, Number 3
Maternal variables related to the trophic condition at birth
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 657-672
PDF size: 656.22 Kb.
Introduction: prenatal growth and development have their expression in birth weight, which acquires great importance due to its relationship with morbidity and mortality at any stage of life.Objective: to identify the associations of maternal variables with the trophic condition of the newborn.
Methods: a descriptive study was carried out in three health areas from Santa Clara municipality between January 2013 and December 2020. A random sample of 2,454 was selected from a population of 6,035 newborns. Information on maternal and newborn variables was obtained. Non-parametric tests of independence based on the Chi-square distribution and Kruskal Wallis were applied in the statistical analysis.
Results: the variables studied showed a relationship with the trophic condition at birth, except for age. Poor nutritional status was more frequent in small births and obesity in large ones. In large births, higher percentages of pregnant women at risk of gestational diabetes were observed. Hypertensive disorders, anemia, urinary tract infection, vaginal sepsis and smoking were present in higher percentages in pregnant women whose newborns were small.
Conclusions: from the studied variables, the risk of gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders showed the strongest association with the trophic status at birth.
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