2022, Number 3
Changes in ventricular electrical activity during isometric exercise in normoreactive and hyperreactive young adults
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 562-582
PDF size: 377.83 Kb.
Introduction: individuals with cardiovascular hyperreaction have a five times higher risk of suffering from hypertension. In the Cuban context, the changes in the ventricular electrical activity of the electrocardiogram during the sustained weight isometric test have not been described, and it is not known whether these may be influenced by the degree of cardiovascular reactivity.Objective: to describe the parameters of ventricular electrical activity in basal conditions and during isometric exercise, in young adults of both genders with different degrees of cardiovascular reactivity.
Methods: the sample consisted of 130 individuals of both genders, and was divided into two groups: normoreactive and hyperreactive. All of them underwent a digital electrocardiogram in DII lead; LabChart 8 software on an ADInstruments polygraph was used. The following variables were studied: QRS complex, corrected QT interval (QTc), JT interval, Tpeak-Tend interval, ST segment and T wave amplitude at rest, in isometric exercise and during recovery.
Results: significant differences between normoreactive and hyperreactive women were found in the amplitude of the T wave, both at baseline, during isometric exercise, and in recovery. Significant differences were only found between men in both groups in the JT interval, during exercise.
Conclusions: the changes produced in the autonomic regulation of cardiac function during isometric exercise and recovery were reflected in the ventricular electrical activity in normoreactive and hyperreactive individuals of both genders, mainly in the JT interval and the height of the T wave.
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