2024, Number 3
BCG vaccination in México pandemic: serious, fatal cases of COVID-19 in health workers, and loved ones
Language: Spanish
References: 71
Page: 83-95
PDF size: 372.10 Kb.
Background. The vaccination with BCG has been relationed with a posible heterology against serious and fatal cases for differents germs, incluid SARS-COV-2, trought input immunity. Our proposit was determined this possible protection.Materials and methods. Quasi-experimental study, in health employers, relatives and people related, final population 739 people between 20-85 years old, average 52 years old; 177 with aplication of BCG in pandemic (group 1) and 562 without BCG (group 2), both with 2.02 average serious-fatal conditions for COVID-19, with same risks; in first seven months of pandemic in Mexico. Concluding follow-up November 23, 2020. Analysis of variables, it was made with risk-relative measurement: TDI for ten thousand SPS, RDI, RR and significance: χ2M-H 95-99%, IC 95%.
Results. Between 20-59 years old, TDI of serious, fatal cases of COVID-19 is 5.36 and 17.39 (χ2p ‹0.01, IC p ‹0.05) group 1, group 2 respectively. Between 60-85 years old TDI was 20.33 and 23.67 (χ2p ‹0.01, IC p ›0.05) group 1, group 2 respectively. Global tdi was 10.09 and 19.41 (χ2p ‹0.01, IC p ‹0.05) group 1, group 2 respectively.
Conclusions. BCG vaccination in a pandemic has a high probability of reducing the risk of severity and fatality from COVID-19. However, they share comorbidities with a poor prognosis, suggesting possible protection.
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