2024, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (3)
The AAQ-II experiential avoidance scale in the male prison population of mexico: a psychometric study
Amador ZLO, Martínez SE, Padrós BF
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 932-945
PDF size: 435.00 Kb.
The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) is the most
used instrument to evaluate acceptance or psychological flexibility,
which has shown adequate psychometric properties in the 7-item
version in the general adult population. However, its psychometric
properties have not been studied in the prison population. Therefore,
the objective was to study the internal structure based on an
Exploratory Factor Analysis, the goodness of the items that compose
it, and its internal consistency. In addition, descriptive data on the
levels of experiential avoidance in the general population of
Michoacán (Mexico) are presented. The AAQ-II was administered to
241 people in confinement. The unifactorial structure described in
other studies was corroborated, it was observed that all items showed
adequate characteristics, and the internal consistency of the total
scale (α = .880) was excellent. It can be concluded that the AAQ-II is
suitable for use in the general population of Michoacán (Mexico).
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