2024, Number 2
Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
A teaching reflection from the narrative. Regarding sexual harassment in university spaces
Williams HGG
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 916-931
PDF size: 311.98 Kb.
This article constitutes a narrative approach to sexual harassment from a Sociocultural Approach, considering my condition as a teacher-researcher and gender. Its contents are developed taking as an empirical reference the story of a university student who tells her experience, as she expressed it in writing in a story that she shared with a group of classmates, through her reading in a virtual session through Meet, which was carried out during confinement. as part of the activities of a training proposal of the Psychology Career, which is taught in a public institution of higher education. This formative proposal is based, academically speaking, on the Sociocultural Psychology Approach, which makes meaning its object of study, sociocultural situated action its unit of analysis and narrative its research method. It is a formative proposal in which the participating students gradually and systematically approach the study and understanding of the processes of construction and reconstruction of meanings, through the written production of autobiographical stories, whose contents deal with different topics related to the experiences they have lived throughout their school life. Each participant's stories are shared with the group during the reading sessions, in which each one of the stories is read by the students to their classmates. These actions also seek to promote among the participants, on the one hand, the processes of linguistic comprehension through listening and reading; and on the other, the processes of linguistic expression through speech and writing. Within the socio-cultural framework of these training actions, it is agreed with the participating group to draft an initial story, the contents of which will refer to their experiences as students during confinement: "Being a student in times of pandemic", was the title of this initial topic. Once their stories were written, each one of them was read by the participants; At the end of this activity, we agreed on a new topic to draft the next story, the story in question would refer to other unexpected experiences during his school life, such as the Covid 19 pandemic. "Unexpected experiences in my school life" was the title of this topic. We then proceeded to write the stories corresponding to this topic, once all the stories were sent to me electronically, we moved on to the reading sessions; In one of these sessions, it was the turn of a student who began by reading the title of her story: "How to write something I've never talked about." Her story refers to an experience of sexual harassment in a university space and its extremely valuable contents constitute the subject that is addressed narratively in this work, from my gender condition and as a teacher-researcher.REFERENCES