2024, Number 2
Support networks in cases of harassment, sexual harassment and LGBT community
Ramírez AGJ
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 841-855
PDF size: 325.88 Kb.
The aim of this article was to show the effects of harassment and sexual harassment in a victim's social network and how some nodes of these can intervene in the recovery of the person's communication and interactional space in terms of identity and not just activities. This allows visibility and the resumption of personal agency on the part of the victim. Initially, the definition of the social network is developed from the systemic approach, its characteristics such as size, density, composition, dispersion and homogeneity-heterogeneity; Likewise, social company, emotional support, social regulation, material and service support and access to other networks that constitute the functions and alterations in the face of maladjustment. Likewise, the definitions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, asexual and aromantic are presented, to encompass the relationship between performativity and vulnerability present in subjects that are not read from a heteronormative vision of reality, coupled with situations of violence that this community experiences during childhood, adolescence and adulthood, within the different contexts in which it interacts. Finally, the way in which the family, friendship and professional network should act when sexual harassment or harassment is discovered and the positive and protective effects of affirmative networks on sexual dissidents are explained.REFERENCES
Delgado Valdivia, N. (2021). Análisis de las prácticas cotidianas de inclusión y exclusión del espectro asexual y arromántico en el sistema escolar secundario chileno [Informe final, Universidad de Chile]. https://repositorio.uchile.cl/bitstream/handle/2250/186547/Analisis-de-las-practicas-cotidianas-de-inclusion-y-exclusion.pdf?sequence=1