2024, Number 2
Sexual harassment and harassment in virtual and in-person university environments
González MKM
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 816-827
PDF size: 341.37 Kb.
The objective of this work was to identify the forms and manifestations of bullying and harassment in university environments, as well as to expose the forms of harassment that occur through virtual devices and their interaction, as forms of communication in university communities. The university environment is not the only one in which the phenomenon of harassment is present, however, it is in this environment where efforts have been redoubled to seek the eradication of this problem. In addition to establishing the variables involved in bullying and harassment as a relational phenomenon, it is proposed to consider the work to preventively train and educate the university population not as an instructive mechanism but as a reflective mechanism of each person's actions in the face of this problem. Furthermore, deconstructive work is proposed with prejudices and beliefs associated with gender stereotypes and the principles of romantic love as justifications for romantic harassment and role-playing in sexual-affective relationships. Eradicating the problem of bullying and harassment will not be a viable option until it is approached from a perspective of multidisciplinary care, in which the problem is approached from different perspectives together and not in a unidirectional, restrictive and submissive manner as is currently done.REFERENCES