2022, Number 38
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INFODIR 2022; 18 (38)
The relationship of moonlighting with the performance of nursing professionals in Argentina
Silvia FAP, González-Argote J
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 566.95 Kb.
Introduction: The nursing staff has an essential task in the care of the health of patients and implies a key social service.
Objective: To analyze the relationship between moonlighting and performance in nursing professionals in Argentina.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in a private pediatric institution in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The sample consisted of 107 nurses.
Results: A female predominance was found (77.1%). The dominant age range was 25 to 46 years with 69.8%. The years of graduation and seniority in the service gave us the certainty that professionals know the implications of the profession and performance in pediatrics. More than half of the respondents declared having two or more jobs. The majority in daytime hours and permanent plant, with an average of 40 hours of work per week. The socioeconomic factor was what determined the need for work overload 81.7%; To which was added to the workload, the overload of work at home 9.2% and transfer 23.9%.
Conclusions: In the studied sample it is found that the working conditions are unfavorable and the level of stress is moderate in the nurses. Based on these findings, it can be inferred that moonlighting had potential repercussions on the physical and psychological health of nurses, even more so when sustained over time.
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