2022, Number 2
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CorSalud 2022; 14 (2)
The origin of P-wave dispersion has been already solved - End of an era
Carmona PR, Lorenzo ME
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 184-192
PDF size: 743.61 Kb.
P-wave dispersion (PWD) has been used for more than two decades for the pre-diction of atrial fibrillation, but its mechanism of production in the electrocardio-gram is not known. Two theories, known as local and vectorial have been pro-posed. It has been possible to elucidate which of the two theories better justifies the occurrence of PWD, using vectorial analysis techniques and magnified digital records in comparison with atrial conduction measurements. Vectorial theory is the best explanation for the origin of PWD. Inhomogeneous atrial conduction (the basis of local theory) has a small but significant contribution to the origin of PWD, but only when there is delayed interatrial conduction. The vectorial justification of the PWD advise against it as a useful parameter for clinical use.
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