2022, Number 2
Coronary risk factors and their relationship with complications of atrial fibrillation
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 154-163
PDF size: 281.85 Kb.
Introduction: Atrial fibrillation is one of the most important causes of stroke, heart failure, sudden death and cardiovascular morbidity worldwide.Objective: To describe the relationship of coronary risk factors with complications of patients with atrial fibrillation.
Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional study; including 102 patients with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, admitted to the department of Cardiology of the Hospital Uni-versitario Clínico Quirúrgico General Calixto García, from January 2019 to July 2020.
Results: Males prevailed (65.7%). A total of 77.5% of patients were hypertensive, 41.2% were overweight and 38.2% were obese. A 21.6% referred personal history of diabetes mellitus and 64.7% had increased fasting blood glucose. Some complica-tion was observed in 58 patients, with heart failure (42.2%) and cerebral embolism (7.8%) standing out. An association between the increased risk of complications and the presence of coronary risk factors was observed. In patients with high blood pressure, the risk of complications was 7.66 times higher.
Conclusions: More than half of the patients studied presented some complication related to arrhythmia, the most frequent being heart failure. Coronary risk factors were present in most of these patients with a predominance of high blood pres-sure, obesity and diabetes mellitus. The presence of coronary risk factors was associated with an increased risk of complications in patients with atrial fibrilla-tion.
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