2024, Number 2
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rev homeostasis 2024; 6 (2)
Hipoglucemia: prevención de complicaciones sistémicas
Vázquez SJL, Olmos GHM, Bonilla QI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 286.41 Kb.
Severe hypoglycemia is defined as a decrease in blood glucose below 54
mg/dl, which manifests with mental and/or physical dysfunction, requiring the
person to seek medical assistance. The pathophysiology includes a series of
counter-regulatory responses to the decrease in blood glucose, such as
decreased insulin secretion, and the release of glucagon and catecholamines.
If these responses are insufficient, cortisol and growth hormone are secreted
within hours. However, studies have shown that in people with episodes of
severe hypoglycemia, these responses are not recognized by the central
nervous system, leading to a drastic drop in glucose levels. This results in the
release of lactate and glutamate, which cause neuronal injury. Clinical
manifestations can range from nonspecific symptoms like fatigue and confusion
to seizures, coma, and/or death. Treatment involves administering glucose or
glucagon, and it is crucial that management is optimal, as failure to do so can
result in serious complications.
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