2024, Number 5
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Arch Med Fam 2024; 26 (5)
Metabolic Syndrome as a Risk Factor for Arterial Stiffness
Rubio-Guerra AF, Guerrero GC, Benítez-Maldonado DR, Narváez-Rivera JL, Vargas-Ayala G
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 243-246
PDF size: 188.69 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the risk of arterial wall stiffnes
in patients with metabolic syndrome.
150 patients were included, in whom the PWV pulse
wave velocity was determined with an Arteriograph
device, a PWV ≤ 9 m/S was considered normal.
The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was made with
the criteria of the International Diabetes Federation.
The statistical methods used were odds ratio and
Mann-Whitney U.
Results: We found PWV › 9 m/S
in 79 patients, 69 with metabolic syndrome. We diagnosed
metabolic syndrome in 105 (70%) subjects, the
odds ratio for presenting pulse wave velocity › 9 m/s
in patients with metabolic syndrome was 6.7 (95 CI
2.98 to 15.08, p › 0.0001).
Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome
increases the risk of arterial stiffness, which
increases the cardiovascular risk of these patients.
The measurement of PWV is a safe tool that provides
useful information in the global assessment of these
patients, and should be part of the comprehensive
study of patients with metabolic syndrome.
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