2024, Number 5
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Arch Med Fam 2024; 26 (5)
Anxiety Disorder, Depression and Changes in Sleep Habits in Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sánchez HNA, Herrera MAV
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 231-235
PDF size: 190.03 Kb.
Objective: Determine the prevalence of anxiety disorders,
depression and changes in sleeping habits of
health workers in the COVID-19 pandemic at UMF
No. 77.
Methods: Observational, cross-sectional,
descriptive and prospective study. A161 healthcare
workers (male and female), over 18 years of age, assigned
to the Family Medicine Unit No. 77, in Ciudad
Madero, Tamaulipas, were included. Non-probabilistic
sampling was carried out for convenience.
PSQI was applied to assess sleep quality, HADS was
applied to determine the presence of depression and
anxiety, and sociodemographic data were collected.
Data were analyzed through the SPSS Statistics program.
Results: 161 participants were included with
a mean age of 41 years, 77.64% women. A prevalence
of anxiety of 25.47%, depression 9.32% and a sleep
quality index by PSQI of 7.08 were determined, mainly
affecting latency (1.4), daytime dysfunction (1.19)
and sleep disturbance (1.19). Young adults suffered
more from anxiety (39.33% vs. 21.87%), depression
(18.18% vs. 7.03%), and poorer sleep quality (8.12%
vs. 6.81%). The shift most affected by anxiety due to
anxiety was the night shift (37.5%), with depression
during the accumulated shift (29.41%).
There is a significant presence of anxiety and depression
in the unit and poor quality of sleep, especially
in those young workers who belong to the night shift
or accumulated shift and in those who work as social
workers or chemists.
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