2024, Number 5
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Arch Med Fam 2024; 26 (5)
Factors Associated with Complications in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Primary Care
Casillas MÁI, Vázquez MVH, Martínez-Bautista H, Muñoz VP, Morales SE
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 223-230
PDF size: 348.40 Kb.
Text Extraction
Objective: To determine the risk factors associated
with type 2 diabetes mellitus complications in a primary
Methods: Observational, cross-sectional,
and retrospective study, carried out on 162 patients
diagnosed with T2DM from a Family Medicine Unit
in Reynosa, Mexico. The data were analyzed using
univariate frequency and dispersion analysis; bivariate
analysis with polychoric or polyserial correlations,
depending on the type of data. Finally, a multinomial
logistic regression model (MRLM) with Bootstrap
was adjusted to identify the risk factors associated
with complications.
Results: 58% (94) of the participants
were women and 42% (68) men, with an age
average of 61.67 years and an average of 16 year since
diagnosis; 39% of the participants were overweight:
31.5% had grade I obesity and 13.58% had grade II
and III obesity. The average fasting blood glucose was
163 mg/dL and glycosylated hemoglobin was 7.97%.
The two main risk factors associated with complications
were: blood glucose level and time of onset of
Conclusions: The percentage of complications
in patients with T2DM was high, so it is crucial
to focus on two factors. First of all: timely control of
glycemia at the beginning of the disease is essential
to reduce the probability of complications. Second,
the duration of the disease. This research identifies
the importance of these risk factors and highlights
key strategies aimed at reducing the occurrence of
complications related to T2DM, which is expected
to benefit the population of the northern region of
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