2024, Number 1
Instruments for measuring vulnerability to stress for high-school students
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 91-106
PDF size: 175.74 Kb.
The objective of this systematic review was to identify tools for measuring vulnerability to stress, applicable to high school students. The method used was to establish the research objective and question for delimiting descriptors. Academic search engines, scientific journals and indexed databases were used; later they were filtered according to the title and the summary, to finally make the selection with the complete review of the documents that covered the criteria. After the analysis, two instruments were compared in which vulnerability to stress was considered, in population that included the age range of this study, with characteristics of validity and reliability, and published between 2009 and 2023, in Spanish or English. These instruments have a cronbach alpha coefficient of . 63 a. 97. From the comparison, it is possible to conclude the need for a confirmatory analysis to evaluate the psychometric properties of both instruments in high school students of Mexican nationality, since no specific focus was found to study this vulnerable population sector. This will allow, initially, to evaluate the construction and later, to develop strategies that lead to greater well-being, as well as the prevention of risk situations.REFERENCES
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