2024, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (1)
Musical stimulation: promoter of the development of linguistic processes associated with literacy
Galicia MIX
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 43-66
PDF size: 195.78 Kb.
The evidence consists of neurological studies and
educational interventions that show that musical activities
help individuals to stimulate their linguistic activities and
various executive skills. Interventions aimed at promoting
mental and emotional health through various programs are
discussed. In interventions with children, implementation of
these programs is considered to constitute a kind of
neurological protection and thus could, in the future, prevent
cognitive impairment. In the present, it is considered that
such programs will develop diverse mechanisms and
neuronal processes that could benefit the acquisition of
diverse skills, among them the linguistic ones, particularly
those associated to reading and writing.
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