2024, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
Written production by high school students: a comparison by grade and school type
Guevara BY, Rugerio TJP, Romero MB, Guerra GJ, Cárdenas EK, Hermosillo GÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 596-617
PDF size: 350.52 Kb.
National and international evaluations have reported that Mexican high school students achieve low levels of performance in skills related to written language, but it is not known with certainty what their successes and errors are because these evaluations have consisted of the application of optional tests multiple, without carrying out analysis of the productions written by the students. It is also not known whether these skills evolve throughout secondary education or how they differ between public or private schools. The objectives of this study were to analyze and compare the characteristics of the texts written by a sample of students. 200 students participated (49 % women), 100 in the first grade and 100 in the third grade of secondary school, from public and private schools. Each student performed two tasks: a free-topic text and a text corrected from another that contained spelling and syntactic errors. A Checklist and Error Analysis was used to rate both texts. The results show low levels of achievement in the students. The most frequent errors were spelling errors, followed by writing and syntax errors. The importance of teaching textual production is argued.
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