2024, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
Reflections on educational practices of a family therapy posgraduate program
Desatnik MO
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 505-524
PDF size: 372.02 Kb.
The construction of a systemic-dialogic stance is proposed, which guides reflections on school practices in a Postgraduate program in Family Therapy at the Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, from the experience of the author, who gives an account of the academic and relational processes experienced from its begginig period to these days. Dialogues and polyphony marks a multiplicity of voices and perspectives on the educational task, together with the inclusion of systemic, diversity and complexity views, to understand the ways in which the different participants have been intertwined, together with the inclusion of the contexts and scenarios of application of the program, of training of systemic therapists. Reference is made to the relevant questions that we ask ourselves about training, co-participation and co-evolution in the program, the relational and ethical goals that it proposes to reach, in accordance with the objectives of the program and the institution and contexts in which it is immersed.
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