2022, Number 2
Clinical case presentation of ossifying fibroma in the jaws
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Ossifying fibroma is a benign fibro-osseous lesion that develops due to a proliferation of fibrous tissue. It has a slow but constant growth, so when it remains asymptomatic for a long period of time it is difficult to make an early diagnosis, producing an evident deformity that affects the facial symmetry. This study describes a clinical case with a diagnosis of juvenile ossifying fibroma, of two years of evolution, located in the maxilla, found in a 12-year-old female Kenyan patient, who was treated in the Maxillofacial Surgery service of the Kitui Country Referral Hospital, Kenia, where she had the surgical removal using conventional surgery. The early diagnosis of this entity allows to maintain the integrity of the oral mucosa, dental structures and as much bone as possible, avoiding the complex evolution of this condition.REFERENCES
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