2022, Number 2
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of colorectal cancer at General University Hospital ''Vladimir Ilich Lenin'' from Holguín
Language: Spanish
References: 25
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Introduction: Colon cancer ranks first among neoplasms of the digestive system and second among all oncoproliferative processes for both sexes.Objective: To determine some clinical and epidemiological aspects of interest of colorectal cancer.
Method: Descriptive study in the Coloproctology service of the General University Hospital "Vladímir Ilich Lenin" from Holguín, Cuba, in 2018 and 2019. The sample consisted of 191 patients out of 310 with the anatomopathological diagnosis of colon cancer. The source of the data was the information obtained in the Coloproctology office and the clinical records of the patients admitted to the Oncology ward.
Results: Colon polyposis predominated (19.37%), the neoplasia was located most frequently in the recto sigmoid (75.39%) and ascending colon (11%), 41.36% presented constipation, 35.60% enterorragia and 31.9% diarrhea. Vegetative tumor was present in 53.93% and infiltrating tumor in 20.94% of patients, adenocarcinoma was diagnosed in 76.96% of patients, followed by epidermoid and basosquamous in 16.76% and 5.23% respectively. The highest percentage was identified in stage II b with 27.75%.
Conclusions: Patients between 70-79 years of age predominated, with no statistical differences in terms of sex and no family or personal history of colon cancer.
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