2022, Number 2
Physical activity and its impact on the quality of life in Ecuadorian older adults
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: Lack of physical activity in older adults is associated with diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, physical impairment and mental illness.Objective: To analyze the likes and preferences of older adults who do not practice sports activities and the impact on their quality of life.
Method: A qualitative-quantitative, pre-experimental, cross-sectional study was carried out on the indicators, in a sample of 96 adults aged 65 to 75 years old, who do not practice physical activities, in the municipality of Macas, Morón Santiago province, during the period from September 2018 to February 2019.
Results: The older adults were evenly distributed according to sex (50%). These older adults, who do not practice physical activities, mentioned among their likes and preferences: visits to centers of cultural interest, recreational and sports activities, active games, pre-sports according to age, hiking and camping, walks, traditional games, literature (reading, book club and poetry), mental games, puzzles, social activities, typical and up-to-date dances, group birthdays and singing.
Conclusions: Older adults are interested in the practice of physical activities; consequently, it is necessary to create a program of physical activities that will allow them to improve their quality of life.
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