2022, Number 2
Environmental intervention strategy against arboviruses, ''Pedro del Toro Saad'' Polyclinic, Holguín 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Dengue is the most common arboviral disease and Aedes aegypti is its main vector, with a tendency to increase its focality without having been able to achieve effective control actions.Objective: To develop an environmental strategy at the family doctor's office number 15 from “Pedro del Toro Saad” Polyclinic, January 2020, Holguín, Cuba.
Method: A mixed intervention strategy was carried out, for which quantitative and qualitative techniques were used. The mission and vision were identified. The stratification with a risk approach of the community blocks was carried out. An action plan organized by objectives was proposed, and some process and result indicators were elaborated for its monitoring and evaluation.
Results: The ineffectiveness of the vector control program was mainly due to the lack of a risk approach and an inadequate human behavior. For this reason, a comprehensive strategy was developed with gradual, stratified actions and a systemic approach, with a set of organizational, programmatic and strategic measures aimed at the hot zones identified in blocks 1890, 1391, 1392, and 2758 with an environmental policy; the concept of "thinking globally and acting locally" was applied.
Conclusions: A vector control strategy was implemented, by means of which the Aedes aegypti infestation index could be reduced to values lower than 0.05, to eradicate the transmission of arboviruses and minimize the possibility of a sanitation disaster.
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