2024, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2024; 14 (2)
Effect of confinement caused by COVID-19 on eating behavior and intuitive eating in adults
Camacho REJ, Merino GIV, Escoto PLMC, Contreras LG
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 200-208
PDF size: 221.85 Kb.
Since the World Health Organization declared COVD-19 an international public health emergency
due to the high risk for all countries and its rapid transmissibility, each government has taken the
pertinent measures to save lives. The Mexican government opted for the confinement of society, the
“stay at home” to avoid contagion. Although this measure was crucial, the impact on adults, their
behavior in food consumption, eating habits, their selection, as well as what, how much, when or how
to eat, has begun to be known. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of the confinement caused
by COVID-19 on eating behavior and intuitive eating in adults, before and during the pandemic. The
study was based on a form applied online. 280 valid responses were collected. The results indicate
changes in eating habits, the consumption of some foods increased or decreased, as well as changes
in the reasons why the participants ate. Our findings indicate the importance of maintaining and/
or creating good eating habits not only in everyday life, but even during global and historical health
crises in order to create and maintain a healthy life.
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