2024, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2024; 14 (2)
Psychometric properties of self-reports of emotional eating: A systematic review
Vázquez VVM, Franco-Paredes K, Díaz-Reséndiz FJ, Bosques-Brugada LE, Tovar-Garza EY
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 128-141
PDF size: 337.50 Kb.
Interest in emotional eating (EE) has been increasing, as well as the number of self-report instruments
that allow it to be evaluated. This study aimed to carry out a systematic review of the psychometric
quality of EE self-reports in adult population (PROSPERO ID: CRD42022374665). The search was
carried out in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Springer link, Taylor & Francis, and Science Direct
databases, and by manual identification considering PRISMA guidelines. Methodological quality
and measurement properties were evaluated based on the COSMIN standards and criteria. Nine
self-reports were analyzed, which denoted conceptual discrepancies and most of them were multidimensional
scales. The main validity evidences reported were structural (through exploratory factor
analysis or principal component analysis) and construct validity; to a lesser extent, some articles performed
qualitative procedures as part of content validity. As for reliability, the most used procedure
was the analysis of internal consistency (α = .77 - .94) and to a lesser extent temporal stability. The Positive-
Negative Emotional Eating Scale and Salzburg Emotional Eating Scale obtained better marks
regarding their methodological and metric quality. The greatest deficiencies identified in the self-reports
were regarding content validity, which highlights the need to strengthen this metric property,
as well as structural validity and consideration of others that have been little or not reported at all.
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