2024, Number 2
Multidisciplinary intervention in a man with binge eating disorder: A case study
Language: Spanish
References: 44
Page: 113-127
PDF size: 406.67 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of a multidisciplinary intervention (psychological, nutritional and physical activity) online in a man with binge eating disorder (BED). Method: A 24-year-old man with BED since the age of 10, received the treatment. The intervention consisted of 24 sessions of two hours a week in which contents of psychoeducation, emotional intelligence, and lifestyle modification were addressed. Psychometric instruments and anthropometric measurements were applied through three evaluation moments: pre, post, and follow-up two months later. Results: There was a greater than 20% decrease in the frequency of binge eating and in the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Regarding emotional intelligence, it was observed that it improved both in the post-evaluation and in the follow-up. Regarding eating habits, the patient decreased his consumption of cereals, fats, and sugars and increased the daily intake of fruits and vegetables, in addition, he introduced the activity physics in his daily routine. Discussion: The treatment was effective in the clinical variables intervened, which implies the possibility of addressing the disorder in a comprehensive and personalized manner, preventing relapses, and improving the patient’s quality of life in the long term. The findings are relevant because it is one of the first treatment studies in Mexico and especially in men, helping them to recognize the relationship between emotion and food.REFERENCES
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