2024, Number 09
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (09)
Risk of pre-eclampsia in adolescent primigravidae
Chicana MJ, Asencio CM, Galdos-Bejar M, Yhuri CN
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 386-395
PDF size: 212.82 Kb.
Objective: To associate the risk of preeclampsia among nulliparous adolescents living
in a region of the peruvean jungle.
Materials and Methods: Retrospective cohort study including pregnant nulliparous
adolescents attended at the Hospital II-1 of Rioja, located in the Peruvian
jungle, from January to December 2019. The population was divided into adolescent
(over or under 19 years of age) and adult (over 19 years of age) pregnant women.
Poisson regression with robust variance was used to measure relative risk with 95%
confidence interval.
Results: A total of 357 pregnant women were included: 54.9% adolescents and
45.1% adults. Gestational hypertension was diagnosed in 18.8% and half of them
(9.9%) had pre-eclampsia. An association was found between age and pre-eclampsia
(RR = 1.569; 95%CI: 0.79-3.01), i.e. adolescents had a 56.9% higher risk of preeclampsia.
Obesity increased the risk of pre-eclampsia by 136% (RR: 2.36; 95%CI:
1.03-5.33; p = 0.04).
Conclusions: In adolescents, pregnancy and obesity were risk factors for preeclampsia.
Pregnancy prevention programs and lifestyle interventions like exercise, diet and
behavioural strategies are crucial to avoid this pregnant complication.
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