2022, Number 3
Clinical and pathological characterization of malignant mesenchymal tumors of the uterus
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 541-556
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Introduction: uterine sarcomas are a varied group of infrequent mesenchymal (mesodermal) neoplasms; with a range of characteristics that depends on the histological subtype and tumor grade.Objective: to clinically and pathologically characterize the malignant mesenchymal tumors of the uterus that were diagnosed in the Pathological Anatomy Department of the "Mariana Grajales" Hospital in the period from January 2010 to December 2017.
Methods: a developmental, descriptive, observational and cross-sectional investigation was carried out at the "Mariana Grajales" Gynecobstetric Hospital in the period from September 2015 to September 2018. The study population was made up of all the patients who were An excisional biopsy was performed in the period from January 2010 to December 2017, with a diagnosis of malignant mesenchymal tumor.
Results: endometrial stromal sarcoma, leiomyosarcomas and adenosarcomas predominated. Smooth muscle tumors, endometrial stromal tumors, and miscellaneous mesenchymal tumors predominated in premenopausal women, whereas mixed tumors predominated in postmenopausal women.
Conclusions: sarcomas occurred more frequently in the uterine body, with a polypoid growth pattern. Poor prognostic factors showed significant values. The epithelioid leiomyosarcomas were large, in most of the tumors there was no evidence of lymphovascular invasion. In endometrial stromal tumors, the low mitotic index predominated, with little invasion of the myometrium.
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