2022, Number 3
Homeopathic treatment with calcareous carbonic acid 30CH in patients with renal litiasis
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 444-457
PDF size: 513.66 Kb.
Introduction: renal lithiasis is very common, the predominant symptom is pain, generally intense, which must be alleviated, and homeopathic treatment is an option accessible to everybody.Objective: to evaluate the results of homeopathic treatment with calcareous carbonic 30CH indicated in patients diagnosed with renal lithiasis.
Methods: a prospective longitudinal descriptive study was carried out in adult patients with a diagnosis of renal lithiasis attended at the Urology Service of the "Arnaldo Milián Castro" Hospital of Villa Clara Province during the years from 2017 to 2020. They were included 220 patients willing to cooperate with the study and were indicated treatment with calcareous carbonic 30CH.
Results: female sex (115, 52.3%), age between 30 and 44 years (78, 35.5%), rural origin (129, 58.6%), consumption of well water (168, 76.4%), presentation with pain, nausea and vomiting, left lithiasis - in most cases (115, 52, 37 patients expelled the calculus in less than 30 days and 140 in the second month of treatment, 210 patients were cured, with 213 negative ultrasound scans, in the remaining patients the symptoms were relieved and the size of the lithiasis was reduced, there were few complications.
Conclusions: the results of cure in more than three quarters of the patients treated confirm the use of 30CH carbonic calcarea as another option in the treatment of renal lithiasis.
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