2022, Number 3
Psychoeducational needs in parents of adolescents with suicide attempts
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 436-443
PDF size: 394.01 Kb.
Introduction: suicide attempts in adolescence are a growing phenomenon nowadays. The Camajuaní Community Mental Health Center does not have precedent research, which is the reason for directing this study to find a solution to this insufficiency.Objective: to diagnose psychoeducational needs in parents of adolescents with suicide attempt in the period from March 2018 to December 2019.
Methods: descriptive cross-sectional study. The population consisted of 100 families and the sample consisted of 31 parents of adolescents with suicide attempts, selected non-probabilistically by inclusion, exclusion and exit criteria. Sociodemographic variables (age, sex and economic solvency of the family) and psychoeducational needs (family functioning and level of preparation of the family member) were managed. At the end of the study, the family was evaluated with a scale of adequate and inadequate. Techniques such as the parent questionnaire, the family functioning perception test, the semi-structured interview and direct observation were used. The data were processed using descriptive statistics and qualitative interpretations in each case.
Results: female sex (77.42%), age group between 15 and 19 years (54.84%) and insufficient economic solvency (71.00%) predominated. The psychoeducational need according to its indicators (family functionability and level of family preparation) was inadequate (88.4%) according to the selected sample.
Conclusions: prompt action by health personnel is necessary to provide the necessary tools to parents of adolescents with suicidal attempts.
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