2024, Number 8
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (8)
Fungal meningitis; epidemiological alert
Maldonado MJA, Tinoco ÁMA, Martínez LÁ, Alfaro CJA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 525-530
PDF size: 333.05 Kb.
On May 8, 2023, a statement from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services, and the Cameron County Health
Department notified the cases of two hospitalized patients in Texas with compatible
symptoms with meningitis, having in common aesthetic procedures and epidural anesthesia
in two private hospitals in Matamoros, Tamaulipas. With the above, as of May
13, 2023, the Secretary of Health of the State of Tamaulipas and the General Hospital
of Matamoros issued a health alert, providing information about an epidemiological
outbreak that conditions fungal meningitis; identifying more than 400 patients, who
were both from the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and from the South Texas valley. The
purpose of this article is to inform and provide recommendations for the identification,
diagnosis, and timely treatment of the epidemiological outbreak of fungal meningitis
found in this Mexican city.
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